Cape Cod
Music Educators Association
All Cape Festival
& Manager Information
Please join our cause by hosting or managing a festival or event in the future.
It's exciting and can really energize your students and parents to become more active in your program.

High School Festival
2024 All Cape Festival Dates & Hosts:
The host letter will be shared here when it is available.
All Cape Audition Results will be shown here when they are available.
Cape and Islands HS Festival Auditions 2024:
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Host: Barnstable High School
Cape and Islands HS Festival 2025:
Festival Dates: Friday, January 31 & Saturday, February 1, 2025
Snow Date: Sunday, February 2
Concert Date: Saturday, February 1, 1pm
Host: Barnstable High School
All Cape Ensemble Management
& Contact Information:
Mixed (SATB) Chorus
Manager: Laine Cutts
Assistant Manager: Stephanie Riley
Conductor: Sarah LaBrie
Treble (SSA) Chorus
Manager: Erin McIver
Assistant Manager: Hannah Wolfe
Conductor: Chaequan Anderson
Concert Band
Manager: Rose Richard
Assistant Manager: Liz MacKenzie
Conductor: Jared Cassedy
Manager: Alex Pendleton
Assistant Manager: Kerri Cutler
Conductor: Toby Monte
Festival Host
Elijah Langille, Music Department Lead Teacher
Barnstable Public Schools - Barnstable High School
Auditions Coordinator
Dan Anthony, Nauset Regional High School
Instrument Judge Chair
Vocal Judge Chair
Helpful Information
for Audition Site Managers
Helpful Information
for Adjudication Coordinators
Helpful Information
for Ensemble Managers
Are you interested in managing auditions at your school?
Perhaps you are looking for a way to get your students and parents more excited and involved in your program.
Congratulations and no problem, we have you covered!
Spring of the previous school year
Secure the facility (Principal permission, Building Use Forms, Notify Custodians, Nurse, Faculty, Students and Parents)
You'll need the following spaces:
Drop-Off /Parking area
Registration area (Possibly Power/Computer/Internet/Wi-Fi)
3 Warm-Up Rooms (Vocal, Brass/Woodwind/Percussion, Strings)
Enough classrooms for each instrument and voice (you may need additional Sight Reading rooms as well)
Tabulation room for final calculations (Computer/Internet/Wi-Fi)
Green room/Hospitality for Judges & Directors
Concession/Cafe for students
Send out a reminder to Administrators, Faculty, Students and Parents
Make sure you have the necessary equipment in each Warm-Up room and Audition room (piano(s), timpani, bass drum, mallets, music stand, chair). You may need to contact a colleague for assistance or a school nearby.
Sign students and parents up to assist in the following:
Park Buses/Vehicles - Direct traffic
3 student escorts for each school (1 for each warm-up room)
Volunteers for running/managing your concession or cafe
Hallway monitors to maintain order/quiet during auditions
Runners to collect score sheets if necessary
Audition Day
Get there EARLY
Bring extra pencils for Judges
Set up Direction Signs on roads and hallways (Strings This Way etc..)
Set up Registration Table
Make sure all computers are on and working properly if needed
Make sure bathrooms are unlocked
Make sure each audition room is furnished with the required equipment (Percussion, Keyboard, Chair, Music Stand)
Check in on Directors, Judges and Ensemble Managers to make sure things are running smoothly throughout the auditions.
Secure your judges for the auditions ($50 per judge)
Make sure you have 2 judges for each instrument or voice. Oboe & bassoon may be combined and bass clarinet can be combined with clarinet. etc.
Make sure ALL of your judges have the latest audition music/sight-reading/scale requirements
Auditions - The host school does most of the work. You just need to help out and make sure your judges are prepared.
Get there EARLY
Bring extra pencils for Judges
Supervise the judging the day of the auditions to make sure the experience is positive and efficient
Judges NEED to
BE CONSISTENT with every student auditioning (same excerpts, same scales, same sight reading)
Talk as little as possible with the students. Kids are nervous and all they need is a kind "Hello, Good luck, You may start" & "Thank You"
Judges are asked NOT to give private lessons during the auditions (This is time consuming and backs up the remaining schools)
If the judge knows the student auditioning, they should recuse themselves. (Either step in or ask another CCMEA member to step in)
Pay your judges at the end of the day
Ask them to judge again, next year
Thanks to the parents, private teachers, CCMEA members, adjudicators, conductors, managers, and everyone else who make this festival possible!
Are you interested in managing an ensemble? Maybe you left the room at the meeting to get something and came back to find out you have been elected the NEW ensemble manager for the Concert Band, Orchestra, Mixed Choir or Jazz Band.
Congratulations and no problem, we have you covered!
(Assistants are expected to assist this year and adopt the chair position the following year)
Secure a conductor (your choice should be approved at the general meeting)
Send a contract to your conductor (The pay may have fluctuated so be sure to ask the President for the most recent rate, and don't forget to account for your conductor's mileage. Lodging is also paid for by CCMEA)
Send past programs/recordings to your conductor to assist them in choosing an appropriate program.
Choose a 3-4 piece, 20-30 minute program. (Be sure to check the CCMEA library for any owned pieces)
Order music with two copies of the scores
Get the Bio of your conductor for the program, Instrumentation needs (Special Instruments, soloists, etc.)
Make sure your conductor is aware of the schedule
Prepare your seating charts and labels with student names
Have back-up copies of your selections in case someone needs them
Provide the FESTIVAL HOST School with your seating and equipment needs ahead of time
Request a check for your conductor from our CCMEA Treasurer
Arrive EARLY to help set up
Put your name tags on the stands or chairs to help student organize and get seated quickly
Know where the bathrooms are and let the students know
Know where the Cafe is and let the students know
Know the schedule and make sure your conductor does as well
Decide when you want breaks for your ensemble and check with your HOST to decide where the students can hang out during those breaks
Provide water to your conductor
Take attendance at each rehearsal, report any absences
Concert Day
Prepare your speech to summarize the weekend, introduce the conductor, and describe the student's experience
Organize some help to set up your ensemble
Collect Sheet Music, following the concert
Pay your conductor/provide a Thank You card